¡Estamos en el ranking internacional World Trademark Review (WTR 1000)!
Además, nos llena de orgullo que la distinguida plataforma internacional, ha seleccionado nuevamente a nuestra socia y líder de la práctica de Propiedad Intelectual y Nuevas Tecnologías, Magdalena Almonte, en la categoría individual.
Compartimos parte de lo que reseñaron en la publicación realizada:
¨Almonte understands her clients needs and is a reliable and timely contact for the DominicanRepublic¨.
¨Recent highlights for Magdalena Almonte et al include mounting a defence against an infringement claim for one of the world’s top hotel brands; overseeing the advertising registration of regulated products for Novo Nordisk; and managing the IP portfolio of Grupo Familia¨.¨Ulises Cabrera can support brand owners in many meaningful ways…the firm does a tremendeous job responding quickly to instructions, communicating clearly and promptly with clients as their files progress and getting satisfying outcomes at the end – all for a reasonable price¨.
¡Felicitamos a todo nuestro equipo!